
More than
you wanted
to know...

We write all
our webpages
in raw HTML
code using

We use Adobe
Photoshop for
creating the
images that
make your
site look
is our Internet
Service Provider.

Our Pricing
Because of the wide variety of projects we handle,
our services are generally billed at $18/hr plus materials and/or
hosting fees. Based on this hourly rate, we have come up with
some examples below to help you gauge what your project might cost.
The Service Levels listed below are described in more detail on the
Services page.
Free Services
Cost: Free!
Level I Services
Example: Help you put a web site onto the Internet that you have
already designed using software like Microsoft FrontPage.
Costs: 2 hours labor @ $18/hr plus any hosting fees (free at Wiktel).
The estimated 2 hours of labor includes any reformatting of the site,
contacting your ISP, obtaining FTP site access, and training you on how
to make updates yourself. (If on-site training is required, it will be
charged @ 18/hr for trip time to the site.)
Total: $36
Level II Services
Example: Help you use software to make updates, or
redesign an existing website that you or your business
owns, and create a domain name like www.yoursite.com
Costs: 5 hours labor @ $18/hr plus any software, hosting, or intellectual
property fees to take over complete ownership of the site when
we're through designing it for you.
The estimated 5 hours of labor and fees here would include the
redesign of your existing site, some time to discuss your specific
changes, working with your ISP, $30 to register www.yoursite.com,
$10/month for your busines site's hosting fees and DNS space at Wiktel,
and a $25 fee for the intellectual rights to the source code.
(Again, if on-site training is required, it will be
charged @ 18/hr for trip time to the site.)
Total: $220 + $10/month
Level III Services
Example: Create and implement a new website for your business.
Costs: 12 hours labor @ $18/hr plus any software, hosting, intellectual
property fees, maintenance plans, or updates.
The estimated 12 hours of labor includes design of 2 proofs to choose from,
working with your ISP, $30 for www.yoursite.com, $10/month for hosting, $100
for the source code, and $5/month to constantly maintain and make changes or updates
to the site.
Total: $346 + $10/month hosting + $5/month maintenance
Above Pricing Is Just An Example
We offer a wide variety of services, and the 3 examples above are for estimation purposes only.
We can work with any budget. Do you have questions? You can
email or
send a letter
to us and We'll answer your questions free of charge.
Service |
Example |
Level I |
Help you upload a site that you have already designed to the Internet.
Level I, II, or III |
Help you use software that you already own to create your website:
- Frontpage
- Corel
- Microsoft Word
- Dreamweaver
- Netscape Composer
Level II |
Make updates to your website for you.
Level III |
Redesign your existing site for you.
Level III |
Design a new site for you.
You can
email or
send a letter to us requesting any of our
services, or just to let us know what you are thinking about doing
with your site. We can discuss any type of Internet or website
related services you may need. Feel free to contact us today.
For information about our business policies please see our
policies page.