Sunday School
Bible Study Groups
Executive Board
General Meetings
LWR Kits
Lutheran World Relief Kits

Sharing our Abundance- members of Maria have the opportunity to gather supplies for kits for Lutheran World Relief. Watch for sales- August is a good time to buy supplies for School Kits and Health Kits. A basket will be paced in the narthex in September and October to collect certain items needed (to be announced). Kits also may be assembled and completed at home. Kits will be shipped at the same time as the quilts.

We are still saving labels from Campbell Food Products and canceled postage stamps. The containers are in the narthex by the front doors. These will be mailed the end of December to Bethphage Mission, Axtell, Nebraska. The Red Stocking project for Women & Children in poverty has been continued for 2004. Don't forget to put your dimes in the stocking: 1 dime in January, 2 in February, 3 in March, etc. totalling $7.80 (or more if desired) by December. These will be collected in December.

Updated January 2006