St. Rose Catholic Church – Argyle, Mn


Bulletin Contact:  

Assumption Bulletin

St Stephens Bulletin   




We the community of St. Rose are believers in Jesus Christ; striving to proclaim His Gospel in word and in good deed.  Through worship, evangelization, formation and service we invite our brothers and sisters to know the Lord.


Office Information

-St. Rose Church, 501 West 3rd Street, PO Box 277

Argyle,,MN  56713

Office Hours:  Monday - Thursday  (8:00AM-2:30PM)

 (The Office is closed Fridays, Holy Days and Holidays)

Parish Office- 437-6341  email-

Pastor:  Fr. Luis Buitron   Cell # 1-218-242-5689 



Parish Coordinator: Lori Gruhot 437-6341

RE Youth Coordinator-  Dawn Hoeper 437-6341

St. Rose bulletin is online at:


If you or someone you know has been the victim of sexual misconduct on the part of a priest, deacon, or individual representing the Diocese of Crookston, its parishes, or its schools, your first call should be to law enforcement. In addition, the diocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator is available at 218-281-7895 (24-hour confidential number).



Jesse Sundby , Paul Bergeron and Larry Riopelle, Brent Riopelle

     Judy Adolphson, Darel Nelson- (Trustees)

PASTORAL COUNCIL: Wayne Feuillerat Mark Hendrickson, Lisa Sorenson, Jenna Grabowska, Kari Rivard, Kelly Durand

Funeral Luncheon Planner- Melanie Nelson 218-201-1478

**Knights of Columbus members:  "If you have insurance questions, please contact Aaron Kaiser at 218-280-4707 or email at"



SACRAMENTAL LIFE:  Reconciliation- Sacrament of Reconciliation (confession) Before Saturday evening Mass: 4:30 to: 5:00PM.  Before Sunday 8:30AM Mass: from 8:00 to 8:30AM. --or by Appointment

Infant Baptism- Catechetical Class is required; please contact Fr. Luis

Marriage:  All Catholics who have made a decision to enter into marriage must meet with a priest six months before the proposed wedding date.  If a Catholic is contemplating marriage to a non-Catholic, the Catholic must still contact a priest to fill the requirements of the Catholic Church for the marriage to be validly recognized by the Catholic Church..

Anointing of the Sick:  Please call Fr. Luis especially before surgery or serious illness.

Shut-ins-   If you know anyone who cannot come to Church, or would appreciate a pastoral visit please let the office or Fr Luis know so a visit can be scheduled.




Please include in your prayers the following people who are need of prayers & healing:

Judy Sten, Greyson Benson, Beverly Fulks, Kevin Crummy, Lorraine Deschene


To add a name to the prayer list — ask their permission first, then contact the parish office.  Names are left on the list for four weeks.  If you want a name kept on the prayer list, call the parish office for an additional four weeks. 437-6341

October 6, 2024


27th Sunday in Ordinary Time


 “So out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field and every bird of the air, and brought them to the man to see what he would call them; and whatever the man called every living creature, that was its name.” (GENESIS 2:19) The creation story reminds us of two important points. First, since the start, God has put the entire world into our care. Second, stewardship has been around since the beginning of mankind, it isn’t something recently invented by the Church. Just as past generations built our Church, it is now our responsibility to continue to nurture and develop these gifts for future generations.

Collections:  Sunday Offertory Budgeted 7-1-24---6-30-25

is $127,200.00

Needed each week for collection is: $2,447.00

Automatic offering from Sept. is: $3,065.00 per month.


Tri-Parish Mass Schedule for      Oct.- Nov. - Dec.2024

Saturday at 5:00 PM. St Stephen’s

Sunday at 8:30 AM – St. Rose Church

Sunday at 10:30 AM. Assumption

Tuesday Mass 5:00 PM St. Rose Church                        Fridays Mass 5:00PM St. Rose




Tuesday, Oct. 8, 5:00PM MASS

+Frank Borowicz

By Bernie


Friday, Oct. 11 , 5:00PM, MASS

+Jon LaBine


Sunday, October 13, 222MASS 8:30AM

28th Sunday in Ordinary Time

+Jason LaBine

By Paul & Shari LaBine


Lector: Judy

Servers: Jocelyn, Kinzie

Eucharistic Ministers: Janelle, Paula



Sunday, October 6th from 1:00PM—5:00PM

   Our lives can be filled with restlessness, come rest in silent prayer with Jesus in Eucharistic Adoration at St Rose Church, Sign up sheet at the back of the church.  We need to have people in prayer and adoration throughout the 4 hours.



   Religion Classes will begin Oct 2nd.  Please reach out to me if you have a Kindergartener ready to be registered for classes!!






DAA-   2024 Diocesan Annual Appeal (DAA)... Our parish goal for 2024 is $12,991.

They have received $9,260.00 and remaining is $3,731.00 , out of 32 donors from St. Rose Church (Sept.30, 2024)  Please be generous!


   **We are in need of Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers.  Please contact Fr. Luis if

you would like to volunteer for any of these Ministries.



Cranberry Relish

 Cranberry Relish Pre Orders

We will once again be taking orders for Cranberry Relish

Quarts - $10

Pints - $5

If interested, please contact Julie Rivard

Please have orders in by October 15th.

Mark Your Calendars

St Rose Fall Bazaar

October 27th, 2024

We will be taking donations for the Basket Raffle.  Thanks for helping make the

Fall Bazaar so successful.


**Rosary Rally 2024 Kurz Park, Argyle, Saturday, Oct. 12 at Noon.



Wednesday Oct 9th CDA will be making prayer blankets in the hall at 10:30am.  Bring your scissors.

CDA Gummi Bear Sunday will be Oct 13th following mass. CDA will be selling packages of Gummi Bears with all proceeds being sent to the State Habitat for Humanity Campaign.

Saturday, Oct 19th, at 11:00AM the Catholic Daughters will be having a Prayer Service celebrating the 50th Anniversary of our Court.  All past members are invited to join.  Following the service there will be a lunch provided in the hall.  Please RSVP to Patsy Whitlow if you are attending.  218-201-0207 or

Sunday November 17th, following 8:30 mass, CDA will be providing breakfast.  Everyone is welcome.  Free Will Offering.



Jesus and the Eucharist.

We would like to invite you to grow closer to Jesus alongside fellow and neighboring parishioners through the Jesus and the Eucharist study. Each of the seven-week sessions are full of rich theological content

 Please join us on Wednesdays, October 2 through November 13, 2024 at 9:30 AM at St. Stephen's

Catholic Church. Please contact Tammi Anderson (218-478-4217), Marilyn Kuznia (218-478-4273)