
Lake of the Woods Steam & Gas Engine Association

List of Meetings and Work Days
The show this year will be Saturday and Sunday, July 31 & August 1, 2021.

Annual Meeting, SATURDAY, 2:00pm February 19, 2022 (open to all interested parties)

Directors' Meeting, SUNDAY, 2:00pm May 2, 2021

Work Days have been set up for: 

June 5, 2021 - work on rebuilding bandstand
And all of the week before the show. (Need to Get Tractors out of buildings)

Planned Tasks: .
Needed Tasks: .

The shingle mill & Bessemer shed is in need of new support poles.

There is always clean-up and general maintenance to be done each year.

This is not a hard and fast schedule of work to be done, just a short example. There is much other work to be done.
Contact Troy Comstock - 218-424-7455 for more Work Day information.

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  Page updated 5/31/2021 - Webmaster: Elliott Olson