The Adult Guarantor
While it is a goal to train youth to own their own program or ministry, adults do
play a primary role in this ministry. In fact, a Christian family can do much to
instill in a strong desire for ministry in the local youth group.
There are, however, many opportunities for adults beyond their immediate family. Often times parents will "mentor" other youth in their congregation, youth group or community.
An adult guarantor or mentor points their charges toward the future by serving as an ENCOURAGER or as a DISCIPLER The adult guarantor is a positive role model. The Christian walk is exemplified at a time when such is needed. The example of an adult who has a regular devotional life is very powerful. Christianity, it is said, is caught more than it is taught. Mentoring will help the youth in a group and as individuals through those rough times in pre-teen and teen life when they need a Christian "hero."
Mentoring in the youth group will be more structured and formal. There will be the teaching of the Word of God, prayer and the teaching of leadership skills, which will enable a student to become a minister of God's Word to others, both older and younger. One can teach soul winning. This instruction should also be on a "one to one" basis. The student can spend time learning Scripture, learning how to study the Word, learning peer ministry, teaching Sunday School and VBS, etc. It may even be tutoring in school subjects.
Forming positive relationships is the center and core of adult ministry with youth. The relationships will motivate youth to become Christians and to live for Christ in their congregation, youth group and community. Beyond this, the student may develop a sense of call into full time ministry as a pastor, missionary or in some other capacity.
How do you find someone to mentor? You can find someone informally by simply being a friend. Leadership training for ministry can be taught in our families by going to a nursing home to sing, etc. Pray that the Lord will lead you and guide you.