Monarch Butterfly Danaus plexippus |
Butterflies are beautiful, flying insects with large scaly wings. Like all
insects, they have six jointed legs, 3 body parts, a pair of antennae, compound
eyes, and an exoskeleton. The three body parts are the head, thorax (the chest),
and abdomen (the tail end). The four wings and the six legs of the butterfly are
attached to the thorax. The thorax contains the muscles that make the legs and
wings move.
. | Egg: Spherical, ridged and white. |
Caterpillar: The larva is banded with white/cream, black, and yellow stripes. It has three pairs of thoracic legs and five pairs of prolegs (which will disappear during the pupal stage). It has 2 pairs of sensory tentacles, one pair on the head and another pair near the end of the abdomen. |
Pupa: The monarch remains in its pupa for about 10 to 14 days. The green cylindrical pupa becomes transparent a day before the adult emerges. |
Adult: Bright orange with black wing veins and outer margins. The wings have white spots on outer margins, and three orange patches are found near the top of the forewings. The hindwings are very rounded, and they are lighter in color than the forewings. The body is black with white spots. |
Monarchs lay their ridged, spherical eggs singly on the underside of milkweed
leaves. When the egg hatches into a caterpillar, its meals (the leaves of the
milkweed plant) are easily available.
The caterpillar's first meal is its own eggshell. After that, Monarch
caterpillars eat the poisonous milkweed leaves to incorporate the milkweed
toxins into their bodies in order to poison their predators. Milkweed (genus
Asclepius) is a common plant that contains
toxins. There are more than 100 species of this perennial herb, containing
varying concentrations of toxic chemicals (glycosides). The Monarch is
considered a beneficial insect because its caterpillar eats the noxious milkweed
plant which invades some farms
butterflies, like all butterflies, can only sip liquid food using a tube-like
proboscis, which is a long, flexible "tongue." This proboscis uncoils to sip
food, and coils up again into a spiral when not in use. Monarchs drink nectar
from many flowers, including milkweed, dogbane, red clover, thistle, lantana,
lilac, goldenrod, etc.
The Monarch is a poisonous butterfly. Animals that eat a Monarch get very sick
and vomit (but generally do not die). These animals remember that this
brightly-colored butterfly made them very sick and will avoid all Monarchs in
the future.
The monarch gets its poison (cardenolide glycosides) when it is a caterpillar,
from eating the poisonous milkweed plant (genus Asclepias) while in its larval
(caterpillar) stage.
The poisonous Monarch is mimicked by the non-poisonous North American Viceroy
butterfly (Limenitis archippus), which has a similar shape, coloration
and patterns. Predators who have learned to avoid the Monarch will also avoid
the similar-looking Viceroy.
are found all around the world in sub-tropical to tropical areas. They are found
in open habitats including meadows, fields, marshes, and cleared roadsides.
Monarchs live through most of the USA, in southern Canada, Central America, most
of South America, some Mediterranean countries, the Canary Islands, Australia,
Hawaii, Indonesia, and many other Pacific Islands.
Some groups of Monarchs migrate for over 2,000 miles during August-October,
flying from Canada and the USA to overwinter in coastal southern California to
the transvolcanic mountains of central Mexico; this was determined by the
Canadian scientist
Dr. Fred A. Urquhart in 1975. Females lay their eggs along the migratory
route. This migration takes up to three generations of Monarchs to complete.
Other Monarchs stay in one area their entire lives.
It takes about a month for the adult to develop (from egg to pupa to adult).
The life span of the adult Monarch varies, depending on the season in which it
emerged from the pupa and whether or not it belongs to a migratory group of
Monarchs. Adults that emerged in early summer have the shortest life spans and
live for about two to five weeks. Those that emerged in late summer survive over
the winter months. The migratory Monarchs, which emerge from the pupa in late
summer and then migrate south, live a much longer life, about 8-9 months.
Order: Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths)
Family: Nymphalidae (over 5,000 species of butterflies with dwarfed front
Subfamily: Danaidae (milkweed butterflies)
Genus and species: Danaus plexippus