House Wren
Troglodytes aedon
Family: Troglodytidae
   The House Wren is a reddish-brown to gray-brown bird, dark brown bill above, yellowish-brown below, wings and long tail banded, underparts are buff-brown, and a very thin yellowish-gray line from the upper beak to over the eye. The bird measures 4 1/2 - 5" in length with a winspan of 6-7". The male and female are alike while the young are a lighter brown and more barred.

   The House Wren can be confused with the Winter Wren but can be distinguished by the longer tail and the stouter bill.

   The House Wren is an active little bird and likes being near the gardens and orchards. This bird's flight is short and low and sometimes the tail is erect. The male's territory ranges from 1/4-3 1/4 acres.


   The song of the House Wren is a loud rising pitch of see-see-see-oodle-oodle and then descends. When approached by a cat or other bird such as the Purple Martin or House Swallow, loud scolding notes are emitted.


   Migratory. Winters from southern California across southern US to Florida. It breeds across the US extending up to southern Canada.


   During the breeding season, the male flutters through the air at a slower pace and singing the whole time. The House Wren is never without a nesting place. It is satisfied with any hole, eave, man-made nestbox, barn, hanging plants, old shoes, teapots, hats, etc. The male builds the nest which is made up of crooked twigs and sticks, leaves, grasses and lined with hair, wool and feathers and is arranged in a circular fashion. During the months of April through July, as many as 5-7 oval eggs are laid, which are a pale pink color and speckled brown. Two broods are raised within the season. Incubation is mainly by the female and lasts approximately 13-14 days. The first young will leave the nest 13-17 days after hatching. The young follow and imitate the parents by hopping from twig-to-twig with tails pointed upwards.

Natural Feeding Habits:

   This bird's diet is insects such as caterpillars, flies, aphids, spiders, beetles, grasshoppers, crickets and moths.

Other Names:

Another name for the House Wren is the Common Wren.