Volvo-Penta DuoProp Information

15% more thrustIncreases Thrust and Improves Fuel Economy By harnessing wasted energy, a DuoProp stern drive produces up to 15% more thrust from the same amount of horsepower. This adds up to a longer cruising range, fewer fuel stops and a lower operating cost.


Improved Steering and Control. The counter rotating props on DuoProp stern drives straighten out and neutralize the sideways forces of water coming off a single-prop to reduce lateral steering torque. The benefit is greatly enhanced handling and maneuverability and reduced power loss, especially in reverse.


Improved Perfomance DiagramImproved Power and Acceleration. The added thrust from the increased traction of the DuoProp stern drive moves a boat out of the hole, on plane up to 20% faster than conventional single-prop stern drives. One advantage of this quicker acceleration is less bowrise for better vision.

Enhanced Control in Reverse. The extra traction produced by DuoProp's counter-rotating propellers is the primary reason for enhanced control in reverse, but there is another factor. On DuoProp stern drives there is a second exhaust outlet through the cavitation plate above the props to help maintain an undisturbed grip on the water behind the props. Backing is straight and true with optimum control and no single prop stern drive can match it.


Prop's counter-rotating props "straighten out" the waterStraighten Out Diagram jet. More energy means more thrust. When a single propeller turns, water rolls off its blades with varying amounts of forward thrust efficiency. On the patented DuoProp, the counter rotating aft propeller has a smaller diameter which redirects the motion of the water coming off of the forward propeller, straightening out the water jet and increasing efficiency.


Sideway Force DiagramDuoProp virtually eliminates the sideways force or torque steer generated by a single-prop. As a single-prop rotates, it tends to push sideways in the water, much like a paddle wheel. This negatively affects and reduces forward thrust. DuoProp's counter-rotating props act to balance this sideways force, virtually eliminating it. The result is enhanced handling and maneuverability.


Dividing the power between two props reduces tip Reverse Tip Turbulenceturbulence and cavitation. DuoProp's twin props have approximately 60-70% more blade surface area than a conventional three-blade single-prop. Since DuoProp divides the power output between two props, tip turbulence and cavitation are significantly reduced, for optimum power transmission and control.


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Last modified: Thursday December 13, 2007 07:35 AM