Black-and-white warbler
Mniotilta varia
Identification Tips:
- Length: 4.5 inches
- Small, active, insect-eating bird
- Long thin bill
- Creeps along treetrunks and branches like a nuthatch
- White supercilium, malar streak and central crown stripe
- Black back with white streaks
- Black wings with white wing bars
- Streaked breast and flanks
- Spotted undertail coverts
- Black legs
- Black crown, cheek, and throat (throat white in Fall and Winter)
- White flanks with black streaks
- Immature male has grayish cheeks and white throat
- White throat, grayish cheeks
- Buffy flanks with black streaks
Similar species:
The Black-and-white Warbler is perhaps the easiest warbler to identify with its
distinctive nuthatch-like feeding strategy and contrasting black and white plumage. The
male Blackpoll Warbler is also black and white but lacks the white supercilium and doesn't
creep along trunks and branches
![2backa.gif (2181 bytes)](images/2backa.gif)