Assumption Catholic Church Florian, Mn
Bulletin Announcements to: Diocese
of Crookston Website
Ladies Group St Stephen Weekly Bulletin St Rose Weekly Bulletin
Assumption Online
26932 - 390TH ST. NW - STRANDQUIST, MN 56758 ph:
(218) 478-3578
Facebook Page: Assumption Church Florian
Fr. Luis Buitron, Pastor:
(218) 242-5689
Parish Secretary: Kelly Nordine
If you or someone you know has been the victim of sexual
misconduct on the part of a priest, deacon, or individual representing the
Diocese of Crookston, its parishes, or its schools, your first call should be
to law enforcement. In addition, the diocesan, Victim Assistance Coordinator
is available at 218-281-7895 (24-hour confidential number).
Mission Statement of Assumption
Church Florian
As disciples of the teachings of Jesus Christ we, as a
Christian Community, focus our time, talent, and treasure on sharing the Gospel
of our Lord in Word and Deed.
The Sacramental Life
Infant Baptism:
Catechetical Class is required; please contact Fr. Luis early during pregnancy
or adoption.
Anointing of the Sick:
Please call the Parish Office during serious illness or before surgery.
If you know anyone who cannot come to Church, please let the office know, so
they can be put on a visiting schedule by a Eucharistic Minister.
All Catholics who have decided to enter marriage must see a priest six months
prior to the desired date of marriage. If a Catholic is contemplating marriage
to a non-Catholic, the Catholic must still contact a priest to fulfill the
requirements of the Catholic Church for the marriage to be validly recognized
by the Church. Please contact Father Luis before booking the date with the
New Parishioner (s)
If you are interested or know someone who is, in becoming a registered
parishioner of Assumption please call the parish office or visit with Father
*Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) is
the means by which individuals interested in becoming Roman Catholic may do so.
The process will begin with a simple informational meeting with Fr. Luis. If
interested, please call Fr. Luis at 218-242-5689.
Fr. Luis Office Hours:
St. Rose: Tuesdays 9:30 am to 12:00 pm; St. Stephen: Wednesdays
9:00 am to 12:00 pm Assumption-Florian: Thursdays 9:30 am to 12:00 pm.
Please call Fr. Luis to set up an appointment.
Tri-Parish Weekend Mass Time
Assumption: Sunday @ 10:30 am; St. Stephen's:
Saturday @ 5 pm; St. Rose: Sunday @ 8:30 am
St. Rose: Tuesdays: Adoration 4:00 pm &
Mass @ 5:00 pm; St. Stephens: Wednesday's @ 8:30 am
Assumption: Thursdays @ 6:00 pm
Reconciliation: before Saturday 5:00 pm
Mass: 4:30-5:00 pm.; before Sunday 8:30 am Mass: 8:00-8:30 am; no
Reconciliation before 10:30 am Mass, or by Appointment (call Fr. Luis).
The Prayer Request Book
is on a table in the back of the church by the Holy Water.
Assumption-Florian Parish Bulletin, December 22, 2024
For behold, when the voice of your greeting came to my
ears, the babe in my womb leaped for joy. (LUKE 1:44) When you hear the
scripture readings and Gospel reading at Mass, do you leap for joy? If not,
dont blame the lecturer or priest, rather look inside yourself. What are you
doing to grow in friendship with Jesus? How do you prepare for Mass each week?
Do you just show up and expect to be entertained? As, the Body of Christ, we
are called to be active participants, not just passive observers.
Sunday, December 22, 2024:
@ 10:30 am Mass Fourth Sunday in Advent
Mass Intention:
For Tri Parish Communities
Lector: Larry Dziengel Rosary: John
& Denise Grandstrand
Eucharistic Minister: Larry & Ann
Dziengel Altar Servers: Corbyn Bring, Bromley Holmstrom,
& Eva Rogus
Blessed are you who believed that what was spoken to you by
the Lord would be fulfilled. (Luke 1:45)
Ponder: Why am I reluctant to read and
reflect on the Work of God each day?
Prayer: Lord, your Word gives me life,
joy, hope and peace. May your Work find a home in me and inspire me to live a
life rooted in gospel values.
Practice: Today I will begin reading and
reflecting on the Gospel of Luke.
Tuesday, December 24, 2024:
@ 9:30 pm Christmas Eve Mass
Mass Intention:
For Irene Kazmierczak
Lector: Denise Grandstrand
Rosary: James V. Kuznia
Eucharistic Minister: John &
Denise Grandstrand Altar Servers: Afton, Cale & Rhett Pearson
The people who walked in darkness seemed a great light; Upon those who lived in a land of gloom a light shone.
(Isaiah 9:1)
Ponder: What is the darkness that engulfs my
life now?
Prayer: Lord, you are the light of the
world. Show me the way to freedom and truth so that I may find inner peace and
rejoice in the land of the living.
Practice: Today I will visit someone I have neglected and
bring this person joy.
Wednesday, December 25, 2024:
@ 10 am Christmas Day Mass
Mass Intention:
For Mike Kuznia
Lector: Alana Kuznia
Rosary: Philip & Sarah Kuznia
Eucharistic Minister: Veronica Knoll
& Donalda Kuznia Altar
Servers: Taylin, Brayla
& Ryar Rogus
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God,
and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. (John 1:1-2)
Ponder: Why am I reluctant to read the Word
of God and learn about lectio Devina?
Prayer: Lord, you are the living Work
of God who came to dwell in hearts of all people. Increase my desire and
strengthen my will to know the Word of God and to live it in my life.
Practice: Today I will read John 1:1-18 as the
grace before meal.
Thursday, December 26, 2024:
@ 6:00 pm mass
Responsorial Psalm: Into your hands, O Lord, I commend my
Mass Intention:
For Evald Kujava
Lector: Volunteer
Stephen, filled with grace and power, was working great
wonders and signs among the people. (Acts 6:8)
Ponder: Am I aware of God's grace and power
within me? Where has God's grace touched my life?
Prayer: Lord, you share with me your
abundant grace and power. Show me your will for me as I learn to do great
wonders in small ways in my home and community.
Practice: Today I will show signs of
love and peace to the people in my home.
Sunday, December 29, 2024: @
10:30 am Mass the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph
Mass Intention: For
Tri Parish Communities
Lector: John Grandstrand
Rosary: Jonathan & Rachel Pearson
Eucharistic Minister: David Pietruszewski & Catherine Budziszewski
Altar Servers: Corbyn Bring, Bromley Holmstrom, & Kieryn Olson
December Scott Binstock, Mike Budziszewski, Tim Budziszewski,
& Tom Budziszewski
January - Larry Dziengel, John Grandstrand, Jerome Kujawa &
Gayle Kuznia
Dec. 20-Dec 26 Gary Kujava, Jerome Kujawa,
& Christopher Kuznia
Dec. 27-Jan. 2 Gayle Kuznia,
Randy Olson, & Blaine Deschene
Reminder: Only use liquid spray as deicer.
The granules cannot be used, will damage special coating on the West sidewalk
& steps. Sidewalks need to be cleared for Wednesday RE & prior to Mass.
Please remember to clean both sides of the steps on the west
side of the church. This is from the Diocese that it is a state requirement
that emergency exits have to be free of obstructions that would prevent its
use, including the accumulation of snow and ice. Thank you.
Prayers for Healing: Mike
Adamski, Nettie Kuznia,
& Jack Borowicz
2024/2025 Sunday offertory Budget: $95,400.00 / 52 weeks -
December 15, 2024 - Adult: $930.00; Youth: $1.00; Peter's
Pence: $10.00; Assumption of Mary: $20.00; Latin America: $10.00; World
Mission: $10.00; All Saints Day: $20.00; Human Development: $10.00;
Thanksgiving: $20.00; Christmas Flowers: $45.00; Immaculate Conception: $20.00;
Retirement Fund: $140.00; Christmas: $90.00; Votive Candles: $122.55; Total:
$1448.55; Online Giving: $80.00; Repair Fund: $100.00
No Religion classes. Christmas Break.
**First aid kit is located on the counter in the Sacristy.
White icing is included in the kit for diabetic reactions.
**The Knights of Columbus Knights of
Columbus members: "If you have insurance questions, please contact Aaron
Kaiser at 218-280-4707 or email at"
**Online giving program Our online offertory
giving program is set up. We will be doing the Sunday collections and any of
the special collections that stay here in our parish. For the first few months.
For the donation that go to the Diocese, please use your envelopes Thank you. We will still have the offertory envelopes. Here
is the link
In the link above, the building/repair fund and cemetery fund have been added.
Thank you to all who have donated through our online giving program. It is
greatly appreciated, God Bless.
**Natural Family Planning Introductory Session the
Crookston Diocese welcomes all couples to a free Natural Family Planning
Introductory Session presented by Laura Golden, FCP and Sarah McKeown, CFCP.
Please see the poster in the back of the church on the bulletin board for dates
and times.
**Assumption Ladies Meeting No Ladies
meeting in January.
**Mercy Hour Throughout the year, Bishop
Andrew Cozzens will lead monthly Mercy Hour services across the Diocese of
Crookston. Mercy Hours are services of Eucharistic healing for individuals,
couple, and families. Join Bishop Cozzens for this hour of adoration and
prayer, culminating in an intimate moment of Eucharistic encounter. All Are
Welcome. Mercy Hour is January 19 at 3 pm at St. Francis in Moorhead, MN.
** Eucharistic Ministers: If anyone from
Assumption Florian is interested in being a Eucharistic Minister there will be
training on Sunday, December 22 after 10:30 am Mass. Thank you.
**2025 envelopes and calendars The 2025
offertory envelopes are on the table in the northwest corner of the main church
and the 2025 church calendars are in the entry way of the church. Please pick
yours up today. Thank you.
**2024 Offertory Please turn in
your 2024 offertory to the church no later than December 29th. Thank you.
**Knights of Columbus pancake breakfast at St
Rose parish on Sunday December 29 after 8:30 Mass
Do Something Beautiful for God The
Essential Teachings of Mother Teresa
December 20 One thing I ask of you: Never be
afraid of giving. There is a deep joy in giving, since what we receive is much
more than what we give.
December 21 Life is full of paradoxes. I have
found that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more
December 22 Love has no other message but its
own. Every day we try to live out Jesus love in a very tangible way. In every
one of our deeds. If we do any preaching, it is done with deeds, not with
words. This is our witness to the Gospel.
December 23 In God we live and move and have our
being. It is God who gives life to all, who gives power and being to all that
exists. But for His sustaining presence, all things would cease to be and fall
back into nothingness. Consider that you are in God, surrounded and encompassed
by God, swimming in God.
December 24 Its not how much we give but how
much love we put into giving.
December 25 At Christmas, we see Jesus as a
little babe-helpless and poor. And he came to love and be loved. How can we
love Jesus in the world today?
December 26 Am I convinced of Gods love for me and mine
for Him? This conviction is the sunlight that makes the sap of life rise.
Mass Schedule and events
Assumption mass is on Sunday at 10:30 am
St. Stephen's mass is on Saturday @ 5 pm
St. Rose mass is on Sunday @ 8:30 am
December 24 Christmas
Eve Mass 5 pm St. Stephen's; 7 pm St. Rose; 9:30 pm Assumption-Florian
December 25 Christmas
Day 10 am at Assumption-Florian
December 26 Feast
of St. Stephen 8:30 am at St. Stephen's
December 31 Solemnity
of Mary 4:30 pm at St. Rose; 6:30 pm at Assumption-Florian
January 1
Solemnity of Mary 8:30 am at St. Stephen's
January 15 Take
down Christmas Decorations in Church at 6:30 pm
March 5 Ash
Wednesday 7:30 am at St. Stephen, 5:30 pm at St. Rose and 7:30 pm at
April 9 Lenten
Penance Service 7:30 pm at St. Stephen
April 17 -Holy
Thursday 7 pm at Assumption-Florian
April 18 Good
Friday 3 pm at St Stephen
April 19 Holy
Saturday 8:30 pm at St. Rose
April 20 Easter
Sunday 8:30 am at Assumption-Florian, 10:30 am at St. Stephen