Assumption Catholic Church Florian, Mn
Send Bulletin Announcements to: Diocese
of Crookston Website
Ladies Group St Stephen Weekly Bulletin St Rose Weekly Bulletin
Assumption Online Giving:
26932 - 390TH ST. NW - STRANDQUIST, MN 56758 ph:
(218) 478-3578
Facebook Page: Assumption Church Florian
Fr. Luis Buitron, Pastor:
(218) 242-5689
Parish Secretary: Kelly Nordine
If you or someone you know has been the victim of sexual
misconduct on the part of a priest, deacon, or individual representing the
Diocese of Crookston, its parishes, or its schools, your first call should be
to law enforcement. In addition, the diocesan, Victim Assistance Coordinator
is available at 218-281-7895 (24-hour confidential number).
Mission Statement of Assumption
Church – Florian
As disciples of the teachings of Jesus Christ we, as a
Christian Community, focus our time, talent, and treasure on sharing the Gospel
of our Lord in Word and Deed.
The Sacramental Life
Infant Baptism:
Catechetical Class is required; please contact Fr. Luis early during pregnancy
or adoption.
Anointing of the Sick:
Please call the Parish Office during serious illness or before surgery.
If you know anyone who cannot come to Church, please let the office know, so
they can be put on a visiting schedule by a Eucharistic Minister.
All Catholics who have decided to enter marriage must see a priest six months
prior to the desired date of marriage. If a Catholic is contemplating marriage
to a non-Catholic, the Catholic must still contact a priest to fulfill the
requirements of the Catholic Church for the marriage to be validly recognized
by the Church. Please contact Father Luis before booking the date with the
New Parishioner (s)
If you are interested or know someone who is, in becoming a registered
parishioner of Assumption please call the parish office or visit with Father
*Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) is
the means by which individuals interested in becoming Roman Catholic may do so.
The process will begin with a simple informational meeting with Fr. Luis. If
interested, please call Fr. Luis at 218-242-5689.
Fr. Luis Office Hours:
St. Rose: Tuesdays 9:30 am to 12:00 pm; St. Stephen: Wednesdays
9:00 am to 12:00 pm Assumption-Florian: Thursdays 9:30 am to 12:00 pm.
Please call Fr. Luis to set up an appointment.
Tri-Parish Weekend Mass Time March
Assumption: Saturday @ 5:00 pm; St.
Stephen's: Sunday @ 8:30 am; St. Rose: Sunday @ 10:30 am
St. Rose: Tuesdays: Adoration 4:00 pm &
Mass @ 5:00 pm; St. Stephens: Wednesday's @ 8:30 am
Assumption: Thursdays @ 6:00 pm & Friday @
6:00 pm
Reconciliation: before Saturday 5:00 pm
Mass: 4:30-5:00 pm.; before Sunday 8:30 am Mass: 8:00-8:30 am; no
Reconciliation before 10:30 am Mass, or by Appointment (call Fr. Luis).
The Prayer Request Book
is on a table in the back of the church by the Holy Water.
Assumption-Florian Parish Bulletin, March 22, 2025
“He said to the gardener, ‘For three years now I have
come in search of fruit on this fig tree but have found none.’” - Luke 13:7 We can all be like the barren fig tree at times. Do you
cling to what you have, or do you generously share with others? How will you
respond when God asks you what you have done with all the gifts He has given
you? Remember, not only are we called to be generous; we are called to develop
and nurture our gifts; and return them with increase. We are called to be
generous with all of gifts; especially the one that means the most to you.
Saturday, March 22, 2025:
@ 5:00 pm Mass Third Sunday of Lent
Mass Intention:
For JoAnn Kazmierczak by Audrey Kazmierczak
Lector: Kenneth Stusynski
Rosary: Kenneth & Mary Stusynski
Altar Servers: Taylin,
Brayla, & Ryar Rogus
“A man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard; and he came
looking for fruit on it and found none. So he said to the gardener, 'See here!
For three hears I have come looking for fruit on this
fig tree, and still I find none. Cut it down! Why should it be wasting the
soil?'” (Luke 13:6-7)
Ponder: What does this parable mean to me?
Prayer: Lord, you are patient with me and
never with hold your love and mercy from me. Strengthen me with your grace to
become fully human, fully alive in the world.
Practice: Today I will pray for mercy; I will
fast from impatience; I will seek the help and guidance of a spiritual
Wednesday, March 26, 2025:
Stations of the Cross at 6:45 pm
Thursday, March 27, 2025:
@ 6:00 pm mass
Responsorial Psalm: If today you hear his voice, harden not
your hearts.
Mass Intention:
For Hilary Pietruszewski by Wayne Pietruszewski
Lector: Volunteer
[Jesus] said to them, “Every kingdom divided against itself
becomes a desert.” (Luke 11:17)
Ponder: What divides my inner kingdom?
Prayer: Lord, you speak words of unity and
love. Forgive me for not listening. Show me how to live an integrated life of
faith, hope, and love.
Practice: Today I will pray for a spirit of
wholeness; I will fast from divisiveness; I will join in a community gathering.
Friday, March 28, 2025:
@ 6:00 pm mass
Responsorial Psalm: I am the Lord your God; hear my voice.
Mass Intention:
For Frances Kazmierczak by Floyd Blazejewski
& Marion
Lector: Volunteer
Jesus answered, “The first [commandment] is, 'Hear, O
Israel: the Lord our God, the Lord is one; you shall love the Lord your God
with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with
all your strength.'” (Mark 12:29-30)
Ponder: How do I love God?
Prayer: Lord, you love all people freely.
Bless me with the wisdom to understand your way of peace and love. Help me to
love you with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength.
Practice: Today I will pray for a spirit of
love; I will fast from avoiding God; I will help someone in need.
Saturday, March 29, 2025:
@ 5:00 pm Mass Fourth Sunday in Lent
Mass Intention: For
Tom Dziengel by Theresa Kazmierczak
Lector: Robert Safranski
Rosary: Mark & Becky Weber
Eucharistic Minister: Altar Servers: Corbyn Bring, Bromley Holmstrom,
& Eva Rogus
March - Joe Rogus, Philip Rogus, Jason Rominski &
Robert Safranski
April – David Stusynski, Mark Szklarski, Phillip Szklarski
& Mark Weber
March 21 – March 27 – Joe Rogus,
Phil Rogus, & Jason Rominski
March 28 – April 3 – Robert Safranski,
David Stusynski & Julian Stusynski
Reminder: Only use liquid spray as de-icer. The granules cannot be used, will damage special
coating on the West sidewalk & steps. Sidewalks need to be cleared for
Wednesday RE & prior to Mass.
Please remember to clean both sides of the steps on the west
side of the church. This is from the Diocese of Crookston that it is a state
requirement that emergency exits have to be free of obstructions that would
prevent its use, including the accumulation of snow and ice. Thank you.
Prayers for Healing: Mike
Adamski, Nettie Kuznia,
Jack Borowicz, Vernon Stusynski
& Greyson Benson
2024/2025 Sunday offertory Budget: $95,400.00 / 52 weeks -
March 15, 2025 - Adult: $1,540.00; Youth: $14.00; Plate:
$49.00; Ash Wednesday; $25.00; Black/Indian Mission: $20.00; Easter Flowers:
$120.00; Votive Candles: $153.50; Total: $1,921.50; Online Giving: $105.00
**2025 Diocesan Annual Appeal **
As of March 14, 2025 – Goal: $10,242.00, Received $3,210.00,
31.34% of Goal, $7,032.00 under goal, with 16.13% parishioners participation.
Thank you for your generosity to the Diocesan Annual Appeal!
The ministries you support touch the lives of thousands of Catholics in the
Diocese of Crookston! If you have not had the opportunity to make your
commitment, please make your pledge or gift this weekend. You can donate online
at For
questions about automatic sustained giving, which is highly recommended,
contact Renee Tate at
or call 218-281-4533, ext. 432.
Religion Classes for K-9 will be on March 26 after Stations
of the Cross. Stations of the Cross start @ 6:45 pm.
**First aid kit is located on the counter in the Sacristy.
White icing is included in the kit for diabetic reactions.
**The Knights of Columbus – Knights of
Columbus members: "If you have insurance questions, please contact Aaron
Kaiser at 218-280-4707 or email at"
**Online giving program – Our online offertory
giving program is set up. We will be doing the Sunday collections and any of
the special collections that stay here in our parish. For the first few months.
For the donation that go to the Diocese, please use your envelopes Thank you. We will still have the offertory envelopes. Here
is the link
In the link above, the building/repair fund and cemetery fund have been added.
Thank you to all who have donated through our online giving program. It is
greatly appreciated, God Bless.
**Natural Family Planning Introductory Session the
Crookston Diocese welcomes all couples to a free Natural Family Planning
Introductory Session presented by Laura Golden, FCP and Sarah McKeown, CFCP.
Please see the poster in the back of the church on the bulletin board for dates
and times.
**Assumption Ladies Meeting – Ladies
meeting is on April 7 at 6:30 pm. All ladies are welcome to attend.
**Mercy Hour – Throughout the year, Bishop
Andrew Cozzens will lead monthly Mercy Hour services across the Diocese of
Crookston. Mercy Hours are services of Eucharistic healing for individuals,
couple, and families. Join Bishop Cozzens for this hour of adoration and prayer,
culminating in an intimate moment of Eucharistic encounter. All Are Welcome.
Mercy Hour is March 30, 2025 at 3 pm at St. Bernard's in Thief River Falls, MN.
**Cursillos - Would
you like to deepen your faith and let Jesus become more involved in your life?
Let the Spirit lead you on a Cursillo. The Diocese of
Crookston is offering a Women’s Cursillo on the
weekend of April 3-6 at the Crookston Pastoral Center. Applications are
available at
Thank you for your consideration! If you have any
questions, please let us know or contact Brandy Pelzel
Len Vonasek at 701-741-9049, or Deacon Paul Erickson
at St. Joe’s in Moorhead.
**Reminder –Please find your own replacement for
Eucharistic Minister, Altar Server, Lector and Rosary. It is your
responsibility once the schedule goes out. If anyone would like to volunteer to
be a Lector, Eucharistic Minister, Altar Server or to
help with the rosary, please contact the parish office. 218-478-3578. Thank
**Six weeks of Lenten Group Study at St. Stephen’s A video series for New Life!
Join our Bishop Andrew Cozzens for a study on the
foundations of our Diocesan Pastoral Vision. What is this series
about? The series is comprised of four video sessions running about 80
minutes with prayer, inspiration, testimony and time for sharing faith.
Bishop Andrew Cozzens will address various elements of the New Life pastoral
letter. Hosts will guide viewers through each session and Catholics from
the Diocese of Crookston will also provide brief personal testimonies. Please
join us on Wednesdays, March 12-April 16, 2025, at 9:00 a.m. at St.
Stephen’s Catholic Church. if you have any
questions, please contact Tammi Anderson (218-478-4217), Marilyn Kuznia (218-478-4273), or Katrina Halfmann
(218-280-2388). Come for one, two, three, more or all of the sessions!
Everyone is welcome, and hospitality will be provided! We hope to see you
**The Sacred Sounds Concert will be held at
St. Stephen's on Tuesday, April 15, beginning at 7:00 p.m.
**Summer Mother Daughter Days - Mother and
their daughters are invited to join the Franciscan Sisters of Dillingen in Hankinson, ND this summer for a time of fun
and faith while also having a glimpse into life as a Sister. Our theme this
year is “Come, Follow Me.” We offer two sessions of “Mother Daughter
Days,” each beginning Thursday evening at 7 p.m. and concluding around noon on
Saturday. The dates are June 12-14 and July 10-12. To register, visit or
contact Sr. Mary Ruth for more information at (701) 242-7195 /
**Come & See - Do you sometimes
wonder: What is it like in Convent? Am I called to Religious
Life? What is the Franciscan charism? Come & See with the
Franciscan Sisters of Dillingen in Hankinson,
ND. This year’s theme is “Come, Follow Me,” and our first weekend
experience will be March 28-30. Visit or
contact Sr. Mary Ruth at /
(701) 242-7195.
**Second Saturday of Reflection
- The Mystery of Filial Adoption at St. Francis
Retreat Center in Hankinson, NDFacilitated by Sr.
Mary Ruth Huhn, OSF This month’s retreat is: April
12: The Mystery of Filial Adoption Newcomers welcome. Retreat Details 10:00am –
3:00pm (includes lunch) Suggested donation: $30Register online at or
contact Sr. Mary Ruth with questions at or
**Knights of Columbus - Knights of Columbus Council 3385 will be
holding a monthly council meeting on Monday, March 24 at 7:00 PM at the St.
Rose Parish Hall. Please make plans to attend.
**Knights of Columbus - Members
of the Knights of Columbus Council 3385: If you have not been receiving emails
or texts from council officers in regards to upcoming meetings or events please
contact Darrin Kowalski at 218-289-1192 to be added to the council contact
list. Thank you
Do Something Beautiful for God – The
Essential Teachings of Mother Teresa
March 21 – True love is about giving; and
giving until it hurts.
March 22 – We do no need guns and bombs to
bring peace, we need love and compassion. Let us radiate the peace of God and
so light His light and extinguish all hatred and love of power in the world and
in the hearts of all men.
March 23 – We must never think any of us is
indispensable. God has His ways and means. God may allow everything to go
upside down in the hands of a very talented and capable person. Unless the work
is interwoven with love, it is useless.
March 24 – Once the longing for money comes the
longing also comes for what money can give-superfluous things. Our needs will
increase, for one thing leads to another and the result will be endless
March 25 – Religion is not something that you
or I can touch. Religion is the worship of God-therefore a matter of
conscience. I alone must decide for myself and you for yourself, what we
choose. For me the religion I live and use to worship God is the Catholic
March 26 – God is always speaking to us. Listen
to Him. He wants from us deep love and compassion. Feel often during the day
the need for prayer. Love to pray.
March 27 – Unless there is forgiveness
there will be no peace.
Mass Schedule and events
Assumption mass is on Saturday @ 5 pm
St. Stephen mass is on Sunday @ 8:30 am
St. Rose mass is on Sunday @ 10:30 am
April, May & June
Assumption Mass is on Sunday @ 8:30 am
St. Stephen mass is on Sunday @ 10:30 am
St. Rose mass is on Saturday @ 5 pm
March 26 – Stations
of the Cross at 6:45 pm
March 27 – Parish
Council Meeting at 6:30 pm at Assumption
April 2 – Stations
of the Cross at 6:45 pm
April 7 – Ladies
meeting at 6:30 pm. All Ladies welcome.
April 9 – No
Stations of the cross. Lenten Penance Service in
April 9 – Lenten
Penance Service – 7:30 pm at St. Stephen
April 15 – Sacred Sounds concert at St. Stephen's at 7:00 pm
April 17 -Holy
Thursday – 7 pm at Assumption-Florian
April 18 – Good
Friday – 3 pm at St Stephen
April 19 – Open
House Baby Shower for Katherine Grandstrand &
Lucas Quail from 10am-12pm at Assumption-Florian
April 19 – Holy
Saturday – 8:30 pm at St. Rose
April 20 – Easter
Sunday – 8:30 am at Assumption-Florian, 10:30 am at St. Stephen
May 4 – First
Communion at Assumption-Florian
May 18 – Graduation
Mass at Assumption-Florian
June 22 – Polish
Day at Assumption-Florian